Together in the Word, discovering more joy than stress.
St. John’s Lutheran Church and School seeks to obey Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20 to “go and make disciples of all nations” and to “teach them everything” Jesus has taught us. In order to accomplish this God-given mission, we strive to make God’s Word, the Bible, the focus of our church, our school, and our lives. His Word shows us our sins and faults, but it also shows us our Savior, Jesus! It shows us the one who covered us in his perfection, died on the cross for all our sins, and rose from the dead so we can spend eternity in heaven with him.
That good news, that gospel, is what drives us at St. John’s Lutheran Church and School. It motivates us to teach the children in our school with excellence and to reach out to the community with diligence. It fills us with joy and unites us together in Christian love. Jesus is for everyone! He is the only way to be saved! It is our privilege to share these truths with the people of Westland so that together, we can discover more joy than stress.